Manuscript Review Guidelines
Double-blind peer-review procedure
A manuscript submitted to the IJE should be at least reviewed by two peer reviewers. The Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Assistants will choose an Associate Editor based on the scope of the manuscript and request for two reviewers. After the review process has been completed, the Associate Editor would take the final decision on each manuscript by taking into consideration all the comments from the reviewers.
IJE requires all the submitted manuscripts to follow a double-blind peer review by appropriate, well- qualified and responsible reviewers that have been chosen by the Associate Editor. IJE will not reveal the identity of reviewers to the author(s) and cover any identifying marks to maintain the reviewer’s anonymity, or vice versa.
Evaluation Criteria
The review form will be attached using pdf format with the manuscripts from the Publisher’s email. In your review, please consider the following aspects as you evaluate the overall quality of the manuscript:
- Background: the rationale of the study/research
- Methods: the appropriateness of methods
- Results: the presentation result
- Conclusion: the conclusions, result analysis, and interpretations
- Assessment of the overall manuscript, including
- Importance: Is the content important to the relevant field?
- Originality: Does the paper present new ideas?
- Organization: Are the ideas organized in a logical sequence?
- Reference: Do the references represent authoritative sources of information?
Evaluation results
There are four recommendation options that can be chosen by the reviewers and associate editor as the evaluation result:
- Accept without revision
- Minor revision
- Major revision
- Rejected
The “accept without revision” will eventually make manuscript into publication format. If a decision of “revision” is made, author(s) will be asked to revise the article and resubmit it. For a manuscript of “Minor revision”, resubmission will only be reviewed by the associate editor. For a “Major revision” manuscript, resubmission should go back to the reviewers. Meanwhile, for rejected manuscript, it has to go through the review process from the beginning.